Prepare and conduct oral history interviews
In this video we explain how you can prepare and conduct oral history interviews to get the best possible results
Attach the microphone to the smartphone
In this video we explain to you how to attach the microphone correctly and ensure a smooth recording with your smartphone with good sound quality.
Important documents for IDEA interviewers
What is IDEA?
- IDEA Flyer (pdf)
- IDEA Infoblatt für Multiplikator*innen (pdf)
- IDEA Infoblatt für Interviewerinnen (pdf)
- IDEA Infoblatt für Zeitzeuginnen (pdf)
- IDEA Wer macht was? (pdf)
How to do Oral History interviews?
- IDEA Booklet für Interviewerinnen (pdf)
- IDEA Werkzeugkasten Oral History (pdf)
- IDEA Biografischer Fragebogen Zeitzeugin (pdf)
- IDEA Einverständniserklärung, Anmeldebögen und den Link zur IDEA Cloud bekommst du vom IDEA Team.
How to record interviews with your smartphone?
Here's how to record an interview with your iPhone
In this video we explain how you can use the “Voice Memo” app to record good quality interviews and send them to IDEA.
Here's how to record an interview with your Android smartphone
In this video we explain how you can record interviews in good quality with the “Diktiergerät” app and send them to IDEA.
Here's how to record an interview with your Huawei smartphone
In diesem Video erklären wir dir, wie du mit der App „Rekorder“ Interviews in guter Qualität aufzeichnen und an IDEA schicken kannst.